Valerie Topete did not always enjoy the comfort and security of being
employed full-time by a company. In fact, before she became a bike
courier for the company Mercury Rises in New York City, she worked as a
freelancer. Though her duties of delivering packages all around the city
has not changed, her experience is much different working for a company
than it was being a freelancer.

There are pros and cons to freelance living, as with any occupation. While having a reliable full-time position at a company ensures a steady pay rate and often comes with good benefits, it also comes with a rigid, set schedule and rules. Also, many jobs have a steady pay rate, which means it won’t go down, but also is likely not to go up.
Freelancers on the other hand have the freedom to set their own schedule. A freelancer is his or her own boss. While this means more personal freedom, freelancers also tend to have a far less reliable income, as job opportunities often change or disappear all-together. So while a freelancer has more freedom, they also take substantially higher risks. Freelancers are also not entitled to things like health insurance benefits.
Though freelancers’ income is not always certain, one upside is that they have the potential to make more, faster, based on how hard they want to work.
Valerie Topete enjoyed her time as a freelancer, but prefers working at a steady job where she can rely upon a stable income.

There are pros and cons to freelance living, as with any occupation. While having a reliable full-time position at a company ensures a steady pay rate and often comes with good benefits, it also comes with a rigid, set schedule and rules. Also, many jobs have a steady pay rate, which means it won’t go down, but also is likely not to go up.
Freelancers on the other hand have the freedom to set their own schedule. A freelancer is his or her own boss. While this means more personal freedom, freelancers also tend to have a far less reliable income, as job opportunities often change or disappear all-together. So while a freelancer has more freedom, they also take substantially higher risks. Freelancers are also not entitled to things like health insurance benefits.
Though freelancers’ income is not always certain, one upside is that they have the potential to make more, faster, based on how hard they want to work.
Valerie Topete enjoyed her time as a freelancer, but prefers working at a steady job where she can rely upon a stable income.